Friday, September 18, 2009


So I realized I haven't blogged for a good minute. A lot of things have been happening these past few months - some good & some bad. My life always seems to reach an equilibrium between good and bad so I can't really complain. One thing that I realized about myself is that I'm changing. I can't really put my finger on this so called change but it's happening and I'm very well aware. Many people are oblivious towards their own actions but I, myself on the other hand, am very aware about shit like this. I've become apathetic towards people; I no longer expect anything from anyone. I was told to never place expectations on people and so far, it's been working out great. I miss the days when I thought everyone was warm, cuddly, and filled with good spirit.. but 5th grade is long gone and now I'm having to face my own demons as a young adult.

Life's a roller coaster. We sometimes hurl along the way but in the end, you know it was fucking one exciting ride.

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